Studiotech is a major player in the field of broadcast technology, engineering and installation.
You will profit from our long term experience in study, design, delivery and realisation of such projects.
Whether a public or private TV organisation, Studiotech can design/recommend the solution that matches your needs. You define your original configuration and together we reach a solution which perfectly fits your application.
Studiotech will remain by your side, helping you choose the equipment, giving you required technical advice and taking responsibility for technical details. Our experience, expertise and work processes reach the same goal – delivering a complete system combining your budget and optimum choice of products. We always attain a very high quality standard in completing a project combined with great care for detail.
In choosing Studiotech, you may be sure about its ability to achieve your goals, always being aware of developing solutions whilst keeping an eye on the technology of the future.
Chad ONR TV control room
Algeria EPTV control room
Algeria EPTV control room
Chad ONR TV studio
Niger ORTN studio
Algeria EPTV control room
Belgium RTL-TVi studio
Belgium Studiotech offices
Belgium Medialaan
Cape Verde studio
Belgium Medialaan
Belgium Studiotech offices
Belgium RTL-TVi studio
Belgium RTL-TVi studio
Belgium Evertz time control
Belgium RTL-TVi studio
Ivory Coast RTI studio
Belgium Studiotech offices
Belgium Medialaan
Belgium RTL-TVi studio
Belgium RTL-TVi studio
Belgium Studiotech offices
Belgium Studiotech offices
Belgium Studiotech offices